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School Board

Remote Public Comment Process

As required by the PA Public School Code of 1949, Radnor Township School District is governed by a School Board comprised of nine publicly elected directors who each serve four year terms. 

Elections are held every odd-numbered year with either four or five seats up for election in an alternating cycle. The authority and responsibilities of the Board are outlined in School Code and consist of roles such as adopting District policy, approving the annual budget, setting the tax rate, and employing a superintendent.

Board & Committee Meetings

The School Board typically holds its monthly business meeting at the Radnor Township Building (301 Iven Ave., Radnor) on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m. and its committee meetings in the RTSD administration building (135 S. Wayne Ave., Wayne) on the second and third Tuesdays of every month, unless otherwise advertised. 

The public is invited to attend all public meetings. Public comment is also welcome. For more, see Policy 006, Meetings and Public Participation.

School Board Commitees


The RTSD Board of School Directors is organized in a committee structure of four members each as per Board Policy 005, Organization. The Superintendent assigns administrators to serve as liaisons to the committees.

Each December following Board Reorganization, the Board President appoints the committee chairpersons and members. The standing board committees are: Policy, Curriculum, Facilities, Finance and Government Relations & Communications.

Committee work enables Board members to delve into greater detail than is possible at the full board level. In-depth committee work builds governing expertise among board members and provides an opportunity for substantive discussion on key issues affecting RTSD. 

School Board committees typically meet on the second or third Tuesdays throughout the school year unless otherwise advertised. Public comment is welcome at the beginning and/or end of each committee meeting on items that are or may be before that board committee. Committee meetings are open to the public and are typically held in the Ground Floor Conference Room of the Administration Building (135 S. Wayne Ave., Wayne), unless otherwise specified. Meetings are also live-streamed and archived on the RTSD YouTube Channel
