The Radnor Reader
The Radnor Reader, the district's official e-newsletter, is emailed to subscribers every Sunday at 3 p.m. to keep Radnor and our surrounding community informed about events, news, and other happenings going on within RTSD schools and around the district.
All interested individuals are invited to subscribe below. We appreciate you reading!
Submission Guidelines
The purpose of “The Radnor Reader,” Radnor Township School District’s official electronic newsletter is to keep the RTSD community informed about events, news and other happenings going on within RTSD schools and the district. These guidelines are for parents, coaches, community members, advisors, staff, students and all other individuals who wish to submit a news item for possible publication in “The Radnor Reader.”
Submission Deadline
“The Radnor Reader” is published every Sunday during the school year. Individuals wishing to submit content for possible publication must email their submission to by 1 p.m. on the Tuesday before the edition in which they wish to include their news item.
Please assume if you do not get a reply after you have submitted your content, it has been accepted for publication.
Submission Requirements
All submissions must include the submitter’s name and preferred contact information. All submissions must be no more than 50 words. District staff may edit submissions as necessary.
Submissions can include no more than two PDFs to be included as web links in the listing (please convert all files to PDFs before submitting them). If a PDF document is part of the submission, please include the document as an attachment in the email and indicate where in your notice the web link should appear (i.e. “click here” for the camp schedule). All PDFs must be submitted with descriptive information explaining the document (please do not simply email a PDF, we will not create the wording for the notice).
A link to a webpage that provides more information about the notice may also be included with the submission. Again, descriptive information must be submitted with the link (please do not simply email a web link; we will not create the wording for the notice).
Repeated Listings
Should an individual or group wish his/her/their content to be published for more than one edition of “The Radnor Reader,” please note this in the initial submission email. There is no need to resubmit the same content every week. Please note, there is a limit of three (3) consecutive editions for one, unaltered news item. If there is no notice of the desired publication duration of the submission, submissions will be included in one edition the week the content was submitted.
If the above guidelines are not met, the submission will not be published.
What are Acceptable Submissions?
Content published in “The Radnor Reader” must pertain to an event, initiative, announcement or news item that specifically involves, applies to, or concerns students, staff or parents in their capacity as members of the Radnor Township School District community (“RTSD community members”). Promotional listings are permitted for school-, district- or PTO-sanctioned events and/or initiatives only. Submissions will be reviewed and approved by school and district representatives prior to publication.
External groups wishing to reach RTSD community members are welcome to submit their content for possible publication on the district’s online “Community Bulletin Board” (submission guidelines here).
What are Unacceptable Submissions?
While the district commends the charitable and extracurricular efforts of RTSD community members, no content will be published in “The Radnor Reader” that promotes or advertises an endeavor outside the individual or group’s specific role as an RTSD community member. This includes but is not limited to:
Fundraisers for outside organizations in which an RTSD community member is participating, is an advocate, or seeks donations, such as an athletic event (i.e. marathons) or a collection of money for a person or other external cause;
Advertisements for external businesses and services;
Advertisement of an individual or group’s extracurricular effort that is outside his/her auspices within the RTSD community, such as a student seeking ticket sales for her participation in an external theater production or a group seeking attendance at an externally organized event;
Any other content deemed to qualify.
Use of Content from “The Radnor Reader”
Any use or distribution of the information contained in “The Radnor Reader” must have prior approval of the individual or group that submitted the information. Any contact list supplied in “The Radnor Reader” may not be used to disseminate private, business or promotional materials.
Questions? Contact Theji Brennan, Director of Communications.