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Gifted Education

The purpose of gifted programming in Radnor Township School District is to support the academic and social-emotional needs of gifted students by providing more in-depth learning opportunities that may be presented at a faster pace.

In the Radnor Township School District, the Teacher of Gifted Learners (TOGL) collaborates with classroom teachers to meet the needs of gifted students. In keeping with the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Chapter 16 regulations, a Gifted Individual Education Plan (GIEP) will be developed for students who are identified and meet the definition of mentally gifted. The GIEP team makes an educational placement decision based on the gifted student’s unique needs. Often, specially designed instruction (SDI) for students with a GIEP is provided by the teacher in the regular education classroom, and the TOGL supports the student and teachers in the delivery of SDI.  

At Radnor, the instructional setting provides various acceleration and enrichment activities within the regular education classroom. Our flexible model of services enables us to meet the needs of any student who demonstrates the need for academic challenge beyond the regular education curriculum, whether or not they are identified as gifted.

Questions About Gifted Education?

Please email or call your child's Teacher of Gifted Learners (TOGL) with questions about services for gifted learners.
General inquiries about Gifted Education in RTSD can be directed to our Assistant Director of Student Services, Cara Miller.

Jena Gardner

Ithan Elementary School
Gifted Education

Jessica Adamovicz

Radnor Elementary School
Gifted Education

Gifted Evaluation Process

Students may be referred for gifted screening by classroom teachers, the Teacher of Gifted Learners (TOGL), school principals, or parents. A child meets the definition of mentally gifted if they have an IQ of 130 or higher or when multiple criteria, as set forth in Chapter 16 or Pennsylvania guidelines, indicate gifted ability. A person with an IQ score lower than 130 may be admitted to gifted programs when other educational criteria in the person's profile strongly indicate gifted ability. Determination of mentally gifted also includes an assessment by a certified school psychologist.

Parents who believe their child may qualify for GIEP identification according to PA Chapter 16 guidelines should submit a written request to their child’s principal asking that their child be formally evaluated for gifted. Parents may request a gifted evaluation at any time, with a limit of one request per school term. Parents who have submitted a written request for evaluation will subsequently receive a Permission to Evaluate (PTE) form in the mail. Evaluation for gifted services can begin only after parents have signed the PTE and sent it back to the district. The evaluation process can take up to sixty (60) days from the date RTSD receives the signed PTE.

The process has four overall phases: screening, evaluation, service determination, and method of service delivery.

Gifted FAQs