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Education for Homeless Youth


The McKinney–Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act guarantees a free and appropriate public education for all homeless children and youth. B.E.C. 42 U.S.C. 11431 outlines procedures for deciding school placement, enrolling students, and determining responsibility.

Policy No. 251, Homeless Students


If you believe you may be eligible, please contact the RTSD Homeless Liaison or your school's social worker to find out what services and supports may be available.

Jenny Le Sage RTSD Homeless Liaison, Director of Student Services Email 610-688-8100 x6087
Ceire Evans Social Worker (Grades 6-8 and Pre-K) Email 610-688-8100 x5220
Christine Kulp Social Worker (Grades 9-12) Email

610-688-8100 x3823

Marjorie Bates Social Worker (Grades K-5) Email 610-688-8100 x5137

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