Student Assistance Programs
Every day, students are increasingly confronted with a variety of challenges that may interfere with the ability to succeed in school. To deal with these challenges, students need to develop self-esteem and coping skills. Emotional factors such as depression can also create barriers to the process of success in school. RTSD recognizes that such barriers impede student success in school, and has developed a Student Assistance Program (SAP) for identifying students who are experiencing difficulty and provides them with resources to help overcome these challenges.
SAP teams are active in all five RTSD schools. They are comprised of professionals who establish good rapport with students and are dedicated to prevention and intervention efforts; such professionals generally include teachers, administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, and the school nurse.
Our Team
SAP Goals
The goals of the SAP are to:
- Confidentially identify students who are experiencing barriers that impede their ability to succeed in school. These barriers include, but are not limited to, low self-esteem, lack of coping skills, depression, or the use and abuse of controlled substances;
- Intervene when appropriate, either by personal contact or by support groups, and
- Refer these students for appropriate help within or outside of school and monitor their progress towards a healthier and safer lifestyle.
The SAP is not a treatment program, it seeks to help or refer students who exhibit forms of behavior that impede their ability to succeed in school. It also provides for intervention by making referrals to appropriate agencies.