The Radnor Township School District Kindergarten Program is open to all Radnor Township children not less than five-years-old on or before Sept. 1 of their K school year.
Each elementary school (Ithan, Radnor and Wayne) hosts its own full day program. The school day begins at 9:05 a.m. and ends at 3:40 p.m., which coincides with the other grade levels.
Extended day options are available at each school through Right at School.
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Annual Kindergarten Readiness Parent Webinar
Thursday, May 9, 2024 • 5:30 p.m. • Virtual (via Zoom)
Parents/guardians and teachers were invited to learn about the district's kindergarten program, curriculum and registration requirements, as well as ways to support their child's development, in a virtual Kindergarten Readiness Program, "Gearing Up for Kindergarten," on Thursday, May 9 at 5:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Elementary Screening & Meet and Greet
Friday, May 24, 2024 • 9:00-11:00 a.m. • Your Elementary School
Families are invited to stop by their schools for a visit. Specific building details to follow.
Sample Schedule
- 8:50-9:10: Arrival and Unpack
- 9:10-9:30: Morning Meeting/Calendar Math
- 9:30-10:00: Reading Workshop
- 10:00-10:50: MTSS
- 10:50-11:40: Lunch and Recess
- 11:40-12:00: Fundations
- 12:00-12:30: Writing Workshop
- 12:30-1:00: Social Studies/Science
- 1:00-1:50: Specials
- 1:50-2:10: Afternoon Snack
- 2:10-3:10: Math and Math Centers
- 3:10-3:30: Recess
- 3:40: Dismissal