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Technology and Innovation

The Department of Technology and Innovation helps set the pace for instructional innovation through advanced instruction practices, instructional design supports, educational innovations, and the infrastructure to support it. With a vision of anytime-anyplace learning, we believe in the power of learning without boundaries, boldly embracing transformation, and leading the future. To that end, our teachers and students are equipped with contemporary resources, training and development, and instructional coaching and technology support service to help engage, enrich, and challenge students in a safe, collaborative learning environment.

Tech News

Screenwise Thumbnail

Join Radnor and author and speaker, Devorah Heitner, for a featured presentation on digital wellness and youth. Parents today worry that kids are addicted, detached or distracted because of digital devices. Learn strategies for navigitaling raising kids in a digital world.

AI Revolution

Please join our department of Technology and Innovation for an engaging and informative discussion about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on education and the world around us. May 8, 2024, 7:00 p.m.

Our Team 📊

Dr. Scott Hand

Director of Technology Innovation and Instructional Design, Administrative Liaison to Policy Committee

Chris Augustine

Assistant Director of Network and Security

Virginia Glatzer

Assistant Director of Instructional Technology

Amelia Dougherty

Technology Secretary, Central Registrar

Haleigh Berg

IES Building Technician, Technology Resource Personnel

Sabrina Daluisio

Coordinator of Data Operations

RoseAnn Deegan

RMS Building Technician, Technology Resource Personnel

Mark Duffy

Systems & Endpoint Administrator

Henry Dunphy

Technology Support Specialist

Jennifer Hervada

Instructional Technology Integration Specialist, Radnor Cyber Facilitator

Anthony Hoffman

Technology Support Specialist

Evan Kosta

RES Building Technician, Technology Resource Personnel

Jed Palmer

RHS Building Technician, Technology Resource Personnel

Charles Ragusa

WES Building Technician, Technology Resource Personnel

Edna Simon

Technology Support Specialist