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Flex Mod

The Flex Mod (Flexible Modular) course introduces flexible pace and space according to the learning modules (mods) within a course, units of study, and to student needs. Learning modules (whole group, lab, small group, conferences, etc.) determine the space where learning happens during the class period, whether in the classroom or in a flexible space within the school building. The flexibility allows students and teachers to vary the pace at which they progress through learning modules or units and allows for greater focus on learner needs providing windows of time for targeted enrichment and remediation.

In these select courses, students will be assigned a class period where they will meet in the physical classroom for anywhere between 20-100% of their week depending on the learning module for a given topic or unit. Small groups or individuals could be working with the teacher in the classroom more days depending on their personalized journey. During other learning modules in that scheduled period, teachers can allow students to work in designated flexible spaces in the school to continue their coursework on group assignments, individual tasks, online or flipped learning modules, or other tasks as assigned by the instructor.

Courses available as Flex Mod in 24-25 school year:

  • College and Career Transition (FM05999950)
  • World Lit A (FM05010122)
  • World Lit H (FM05010120)
  • American Lit A (FM05010132)
  • American Lit H (FM05010130)
  • British and Modern Lit A (FM05010142)
  • Public Speaking (FM05030380)
  • AP Environmental Science (FM05030380)

Each of these courses will also have a traditional section offering. Students can elect or opt-in to a Flex Mod section during scheduling. Students will also be working with their school counselors if they are interested to determine if a Flex Mod section is a good fit for them.

Flex Mod Schedule Examples

Flex Mod Sample Schedule

Each week can look different and each student flex can look different according to the course or personal learning path and needs.

The Flex Mod course leverages personalized learning for mastery through flexible and blended experiences.
Blended, Personalized, Mastery

Intro Video

More Information