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Internet Safety & Filtering


Radnor Township School District supports the use of the internet and computer networks as part of the instructional program to facilitate learning. The goal for the use of technology and network facilities is to help students develop the intellectual skills necessary to discriminate among information sources, to identify information appropriate to their age and developmental levels, and to evaluate and use the information to meet their educational goals.

The Digital Citizenship curriculum in RTSD schools is dedicated to helping students thrive in an ever-connected world of digital media and technology. Each school's Library Media Specialist is a Common Sense Media Certified Educator, and lessons are delivered K-12.


Internet Filtering Services


Radnor Township School District is a leader in educational excellence including areas in instructional innovation using technologies that enhance authentic learning experiences. Access to resources increase exponentially and RTSD proactively works to ensure safe and secure access of online content both at school and at home. We have implemented systems to improve the safety of content accessed with internet web filters that prevent access to websites harmful to minors, in addition to teaching responsible use and making available the collaborative benefits of the internet to improve learning and instruction. We proactively monitor and upgrade our filtering and firewall capabilities through automatic updates and manual adjustments.

We recognize that even with the latest network protections in place, relying on filtering technology alone can create a false sense of security as no system can guarantee prevention of access to all inappropriate content. In that light, we believe the best complement to technology-based protections is our commitment to cyber safety education and strong parent partnerships when helping students develop the intellectual skills necessary to discriminate among information sources, identify information appropriate to their age and developmental levels, and evaluating and using the information to meet their educational goals.

Focused on educating students, instruction on digital citizenship and cyber safety is embedded into our curriculum and has become part of our language. Our curriculum includes instruction on appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response. The District partners with Common Sense Media for our curricular materials.


The Virtual Learning Download Podcast


Sharing Ideas About Raising a Digital Generation

Screen-free Activity Ideas @ Home

Tips for a Healthy Relationship with Tech

Watch and Play Together

Choose quality, age-appropriate media to enjoy with your kids. Visit Common Sense Media to find shows, games, and more.

Establish Family Rules

Decide together what kind of media and tech is OK - and when it's OK to use it. A family media plan can help get everyone on the same page. 

Create Screen-Free Times & Zones

Help kids take breaks from tech by limiting screen time in bedrooms, during study time or at the dinner table. Keep the device in a neurtal spot in the home when not being used.

Create Screen-Only Zones

Have devices in a place where you can monitor them. At other time, keep the device off and unavailable and inaccessible.

Grant Permission for WiFi

Keep the WiFi password a secret and have your child seek permission to access your home internet. You enter the password (do not click "remember password"). When you are ready, you can disconnect the device from the internet.

Reflect On Your Habits

Ask yourself how quickly you really need to respond to texts, emails, or other messages. The faster you respond, the faster people expect you to respond next time. Think about setting limits or guidelines so others know what to expect.

Find Balance

Set a schedule and stick to it. Give yourself a set period of time each day to check social media or personal email.

Receive Tech Balance Tips via Text Message

Common Sense Media Tips by Text: Get entertainment picks and tips for healthy tech use, sent by text message. All at no cost. More Information.

Summertime and Screen Time: Strategies to Help Parents to Keep their Children Healthy and Safe

Presentation from RTSD and Common Sense Media (May 19, 2022). Sponsored by League of Women Voters.