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Student Data & Privacy

Data Privacy

The District recognizes the need to protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information in the education records of students. The District also works to safeguard and protect the confidentiality of students' educational records and personally identifiable information when collecting, retaining, disclosing and destroying student education records, in accordance with Board policy, state requirements, and federal and state law and regulations.

Privacy Standards for Online Resources

We believe all educational resources requiring logins and which have the potential to capture and store student information should be vetted against standards of data privacy to safeguard minors. We use the Student Data Privacy Pledge as our foundational set of guidelines for evaluating the privacy protection measures of online educational services. The Future of Privacy Forum (FPF) and The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) introduced a Student Privacy Pledge to safeguard student privacy regarding the collection, maintenance, and use of student personal information. The commitments are intended to concisely detail existing federal law and regulatory guidance regarding the collection and handling of student data, and to encourage service providers to more clearly articulate these practices. Moreover, the District also employs assessment tools which confirm that information, data, and cybersecurity policies are in place to protect your sensitive school system information and constituents’ Personal Identifiable Information (PII). 

Online Educational Resources

A list of online education resources used by our students can be found on our website (LINK).