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Screen Time

Department of Technology & Innovation

Two young kids looking at an tablet computer.

Technology is prevalent in today’s world, culture, and business and the state of technology has evolved over the recent years where it is now more accessible and more ingrained into our daily lives. We believe in fostering technological proficiencies, leveraging these tools for learning, and developing digital literacies that are necessary to be a responsible digital citizen. As technology shifts, we also acknowledge the nature of contemporary technologies whereas digital information is consumed and processed differently than traditional mediums, dis-information, mis-information, and mal-information abound, and where some technologies can be addictive by design. This asks us to consider the effects of technology on the developing brain and to be thoughtful about technology usage and education across different age levels while meeting our instructional and technological goals.

Drop down for more details.

The Virtual Learning Download Podcast


Sharing Ideas About Raising a Digital Generation

In Action

  • K-2 Devices Stay in School  (new 22-23)
  • NEW: device@school program expands to grades 3-5 in May and June 2023.
  • Family Guidance & Partnerships
  • National Day of Unplugging
  • K-12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum
  • Student Cyber Safety Awareness & Assemblies
Devices at School Graphic