Surface Go and BYOD
About the Microsoft Surface Go
Upon parent/guardian and student completion of a participation and usage agreement, Radnor High School students will be assigned a Microsoft Surface Go device along with a keyboard cover, a student series Surface Go Pen, and a case.
Radnor High School Technology Participation Form
Click here to access the RHS Technology Participation Form, which must be completed and returned to the school regardless of the choice of BYOD or a district-issued Surface Go.
Program History
Radnor High School implemented the Microsoft Surface Go technology program at the beginning of the 2019-20 school year. This program gives each Radnor High School student that chooses to participate access to a district-issued Microsoft Surface Go device along with a keyboard cover, a student series Surface Go Pen, and a case.
About The Fee
A technology fee of $139.00 must be contributed annually by all RHS parents/guardians of students who are participating in the Microsoft Surface Go technology program in order for the district to provide and support each student with a full-service device. Families who make a total of $556.00 in payments (per year or as families prefer) will be gifted the device when their student(s) graduate or withdraw from RHS.
Technology fees and payment status can be accessed at any time on the Home Access Center (HAC). [More Information]
Online Payment Through MySchoolBucks
The district is utilizing MySchoolBucks as an online payment system for parents to pay technology fees. Parents have the option of making partial payments of the $139.00 fee, but are requested to make the entire $139.00 payment by September 15th of the school year. Additionally, the district is providing an option on the MySchoolBucks website for anyone wishing to make a contribution, in any amount, to assist families experiencing a hardship with paying the annual technology fee.
About Insurance
Each Microsoft Surface Go device will be covered under the district’s device protection plan directly through Microsoft. This protection plan covers only the Surface Go device and not the accessories. Students will be responsible for replacing any accessories that are damaged, lost or stolen.
The Microsoft Protection Plan covers the device for two repairs/replacements over the time the student is enrolled in Radnor High School.
Students will have access to the Microsoft Store for support with their device under the protection plan. Students who may need a repair or other device troubleshooting should report the issue to the RHS Technology Office, which will contact Microsoft and arrange for the work. A loaner device will be provided whenever possible until the repair is completed.
“Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD)
Parents and Students Who Choose to “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD)
The district recognizes families may own a full-service device similar to the Microsoft Surface Go and would prefer their student “bring their own device” (BYOD) to school. These parents/guardians have the option of not participating in the Surface Go 1:1 program and instead providing their student(s) a personal device to bring to school.
Families who intend to provide their student a personal device to bring school instead of receiving the district-issued Surface Go mustensure the personal device meets the required technical specifications found below and hereand is updated with full versions of core applications also found here and listed below.
Please note that BYOD devices will have restrictions when accessing certain Microsoft resources, as these resources are tied to RTSD’s Microsoft account and not to an individual student’s account.
Technical Requirements for Families Choosing to BYOD
For the RHS technology program, students are encouraged use a Microsoft Surface or Windows 10 laptop equipped with the Windows 10 operating system; a touch screen for annotating; a keyboard; WiFi G/N/AC 5.0Ghz for accessing the district wireless network; a 128GB disk drive for documents, photos, and video storage; 8GB of memory; a 9-hour battery rating; and a camera.
Required Applications for Families Choosing to BYOD
Students who elect to bring their own full-service laptop will be responsible for installing/purchasing the full versions of the following applications (apps) for instruction. Personal devices must come to school with these apps already downloaded. Students may be asked to download additional free or paid apps during the year.
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Office 365 Suite (Provided by the district)
- Microsoft Office 365 One Note (Provided by the district)
- Schoology (RTSD Learning Management System)
Security and Damages Responsibility for Families Choosing to BYOD
Keeping ones' personal device secure rests with the individual owner; Radnor High School is not liable for any personal device that is stolen or damaged while on or off campus. If a personal device is stolen or damaged, it will be handled through the RHS administrative office similar to other personal artifacts that are lost, stolen, or damaged.
Content Filter for BYOD and Microsoft Surface Go
Internet access for student devices will be provided via wireless connectivity. The district's network filters will be applied to a personal device’s WiFi connection. The district cannot filter any Internet site or content if a personal device is running on a cellular (4G or 5G) connection.