Establishment of Bus Stop Locations
In developing bus stop locations, a number of factors are considered. We route school buses in the most efficient manner consistent with state law and school board guidelines regarding the establishment of safe school bus stops.
Realizing that there are conflicting issues involved with school bus stop locations, the factors used in establishing a new stop or reviewing a current location involve:
- Examining potential safety issues at the waiting/loading zone.
- Student accessibility to the bus stop.
- Visibility at the stop location for passing motorists. There should be 500 feet visibility in either direction for other vehicles.
- Maintaining state-mandated distance for activation of the school bus 8-way warning lights and stop signs.
- Because of the danger inherent in the backing of school buses, bus routes and stop locations will be established to preclude the necessity of having buses back up.
- Routes will be designated to avoid having our buses traveling into areas terminating at cul-de-sacs or dead-ends.
- Buses will not be routed into developments where other vehicles or objects may block or hinder safe travel through the development.
- In recognizing each school bus stop, on the district's congested roads and highways, presents a hazard for students as well as the motoring public, the Transportation department attempts to keep the number of stops to a minimum.
The transportation director has the responsibility and authority to develop all bus routes based on the guidelines established by the school board. Changes will only be made following review and approval by the director of transportation or his designee. School bus drivers are not permitted to change stop locations without approval of the director. Drivers who stop at locations other than those established by the board or director are in violation of board policy and the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code. This violation subjects the driver to department disciplinary action as well as the issuance of a citation and fine for violating the Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Code.