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Submitting Absence Notes

Automated Absence Emails

Parents/guardians will receive an automated email to the primary email address on file with the school district when their child is absent from school. To submit an absence note parents/guardians need only reply to the email with the following information:

  1. The child's full first and last name; 
  2. The date of the absence;
  3. The reason for the absence; and
  4. The parent/guardian's full first and last name. 

Submitting Electronic Absence Notes

Absence notes also may be submitted to the school as an email attachment with the following guidelines:

  • Parent or guardian writes the absence note on a piece of paper or yellow card. A written excuse must contain the following information:
Option #1

Parent or guardian writes the note on a piece of paper, signs the note, scans or takes a picture of the note, and sends the note to the designated email address for absence notes (see below). A written excuse must contain the following information:

  1. Name of the student;
  2. Student grade level;
  3. The date(s) of the absence;
  4. The reason for the absence; and
  5. A parent or legal guardian’s signature

Please follow these guidelines for handwritten notes:

  • For Option #1 only emails with a signed absence note attached will be accepted.
  • Emailed notes must be sent to the designated email account (Only at the elementary level should the classroom teacher be CC'd).
  • Notes must contain the date of absence, student’s name, grade level, reason for absence and parent/guardian signature.
  • The designated email account is for absence notes only. All other content should be sent to a school staff member directly.
Option #2

Parent or guardian sends an email to the designated email address for their building (see above) with the following information:

  1. The child's full first and last name; 
  2. The date of the absence;
  3. The reason for the absence; and
  4. The parent/guardian's full first and last name. 


Official Absence Excuse Card

A written (or digital - please see below) explanation for a child's absence is required by the School Code of Pennsylvania. Please print and complete this form and send it to school with your child or submit the information via email to your school attendance email address. Hard copies of this excuse card may be obtained from your student's school office. 

Official Absence Excuse Card (PDF)