Parent-Teacher Organizations
Each Radnor Township School District school has its own Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO). Collectively, these organizations are known as the RTSD PTOs District Wide Initiatives (DWI) Team. The five PTOs work together on designated programs and events to support collaboration and communication between the organizations and strengthen community bonds. As a collaborative team consisting of the 5 PTO Presidents and district wide representation as needed, individuals on the DWI team represent communities throughout Radnor Township and complement each other by bringing a diverse range of experience and expertise. The District Wide Initiatives Team is directed by the 5 PTOs and supported by the District Wide Initiatives (DWI) Chairperson, along with a DW Treasurer.
Thanksgiving Basket Drive
The Radnor PTOs are joining forces to distribute food baskets to our school families who could use some support in order to enjoy a traditional Thanksgiving meal. We hope to provide 120 baskets and 175 grocery gift cards to Radnor families with this drive, and this effort relies upon the generosity of our Radnor community!
Please consider donating a basket filled with non-perishable items for a Thanksgiving meal, or grocery gift cards to help cover the cost of a turkey and fresh items such as fruit and milk. Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated and will be used to buy additional supplies and grocery gift cards.
Donations should be dropped off on Monday, Nov. 18, from 3-7pm in the RMS Bus Loop. Gift cards can also be sent to school with your child by November 18 in an envelope marked "PTO Thanksgiving Baskets." Thank you for supporting this important initiative!
Donate a Basket and/or Gift Card Make a Donation with A Credit Card
District Wide Initiatives
Chairperson: Emily Marx
Treasurer: Paul Cecco
Communications: Steve Kerr