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Membership Toolkit

The RTSD PTOs use an online database called Membership Toolkit to send email communications and provide an online directory for families. 

Review/Update Contact Information

Each school year, families are asked to review/update their contact information on the Membership Toolkit webpage. Please also verify each student's grade and provide the classroom teacher (for elementary students) or team (for middle school students). Please click through all the steps until you reach the "Save" button. Families will then be asked to review their directory publishing preferences, which controls which information they would like shared in the online student directory. 

Directory Access Fundraiser

Families also have the option of purchasing viewing access to the directory, so they can access contact information for RTSD families at all five schools as well as search elementary school class rosters and middle school teams. This optional step is $10 for individual access or $20 for family access, and provides access for the current school year (August to July). All funds raised are used to support districtwide PTO initiatives as well as each school's PTO. Thank you for your support!

Questions or trouble accessing your account?

Review the FAQs below or email


Membership Toolkit FAQs